
Faik (comes from my grandfather) Boray Tek  was born in Ankara in 1978. I received my B.Sc degree from Baskent University Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department in 2000. I receıved my M.Sc degree from Middle East Technical University, Electrical And Electronics Eng, Robotics option  in 2003 with a thesis on "Face Detection using learning networks". I worked at Tubitak Information Sciences and Technologies Institute (formerly Tubitak-Bilten, now named as Tubitak-Uzay) as a computer vision researcher. In 2003 I began PhD at University of Westminster, School of Information Sciences (now named as School of Electronics and Computer Science)  on biomedical image processing on the problem of "Microscopy Diagnosis of Malaria". PhD completed at February 2007. Currently I am an assistant professor at Işık University, Computer Engineering Department, Şile, İstanbul. I am one of the founders of Robotics and Autonomous Vehicles Laboratory in Işık University. I am a member of ACM.  

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