
 Malaria Image Database and Ground Truth

I receive emails from time to time about sharing my malaria image database. I was too lazy to check the PhD work again for a period of time but here it is. The biggest portion of my data that I have used in my thesis and other publications ( on malaria is given in the links below.


I think this is quite challenging dataset, however all are taken with the same light microscope under similar conditions. You can find details in my thesis. If you happen to use the data it could be nice if you refer to my publications.

  I took a regular course on microscopy diagnosis of malaria, the course taught preparation of blood smears with Giemsa, and analysis of thin and thick blood films. The course was jointly organized by University of Westminster and Tropical School of Medicine, London.
- Most of the images that are included in these sets were collected by me from real blood smears.
- The stained objects in these images were marked by me, and the mark MAY CONTAIN ERRORS.  However I believe errors should be really rare.

Explanation of ground truth

-The stained objects found in the marked images are
labelled in set1, set2.txt. Marking is done as follows:

    1. file=7b_057. type=18 [44,269] [50,267] [54,274]
    2. file=7b_057. type=18 [65,457] [75,454] [84,458]
    3. file=7b_057. type=18 [257,463] [265,465] [272,464]
    4. file=7b_057. type=4 [267,248] [293,254] [317,249]
    5. file=7b_057. type=19 [459,349] [475,359] [497,359]
    6. file=7b_057. type=18 [503,446] [508,451] [515,452]
    7. file=7b_057. type=18 [571,255] [578,251] [584,257]

-For example here, file name starting with 7b_057 have 7 stained objects
(Detected automatically)
-These 7 stained objects "types" were marked manually, to label their type and 3 coordinates (x,y)
locating them. type key is follows:
    type =
    1...4  P.Vivax (ring, troph, schiz, gametocyte)
    5...8  P.Ovale (ring, troph, schiz, gametocyte)
    9...12 P.Falciparum (ring, troph, schiz, gametocyte)
    13...16 P.Malariae (ring, troph, schiz, gametocyte)
    17...20 Non-Parasites (white blood cell, platelet, artefact, incomplete object)
    artefact * includes any dark stained object which I can't name.

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