

2003–2007 PhD, Department of Electronic Systems, University of Westminster, London, UK.
 Thesis: “Computerised Diagnosis of Malaria”

 2000–2002 MSc, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Robotics Section, Middle East Technical University,Ankara,Turkey.
 Thesis: “Face Detection Using Learning Networks

 1996–2000 BSc, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Baskent University, Ankara,Turkey. Thesis: Adaptive Filtering of Speckle Noise in Ultrasound Images

Work Experience

Sep 09 current Assist. Prof. Dr., Department of Computer Engineering,
 Faculty of Engineering, Isik University, Sile, Istanbul.

 Jun 2013 Oct 2013 Visiting Researcher, Heidelberg Collaboratory for Image
 Processing, Heidelberg, Germany.

 Apr 2008 May 2009 Scientific Research Engineer, R&D Department, Medic-
 Sight PLC, London, UK.

 Mar 2007 Mar 2008 Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Applied DSP & VLSI Re-
 search Group, Department of Electronic Systems, University
 of Westminster, London, UK.

 Aug 2000 Jun 2003 Full-time Researcher, in Signal Processing and Re-
 mote Sensing Research Group, TUBITAK-BILTEN, Ankara,

 Apr 2000 Aug 2000 Part-time Researcher, in Signal Processing and Re-
 mote Sensing Research Group, TUBITAK-BILTEN, Ankara,

 Nov 1999 Feb 2000 Part-time Laboratory Assistant, in C Programming Lan-
 guage Course, Baskent University, Faculty of Engineering,
 Ankara, Turkey.

Technical Interests

 Applications: Automated microscopy, Face detection & recognition, Com-
 puterised tomography analysis, Firearms matching, Robotics,
 Autonomous vehicles, IBeacons

 Image Analysis: Mathematical morphology, 3D Volume processing, Depth im-
 ages (RGB-D sensors)

 Machine Learning: Adaptive boosting, Cascaded classi?ers, Ensemble classi?ers,
 Feature selection


 Isik University, RAVLAB
 Omni-Directional Tele-Presence Robot, We are proto-
 typing an omni directional tele-presence robot; secondary
 function of the robot is Bluetooth Low Energy node search
 and localization.

 Isik University, RAVLAB Autonomous Model Vehicles, We transformed a small
 scale model car and a flying quadcopter into autonomous
 navigating mobile robots using low cost sensors, onboard
 computation. We have successfully built a prototype which
 avoids obstacles using our adaptive ground plane detection

 HCI, Heidelberg, Nucleus Detection in Mouse Brain, We have proposed
 an automated method for nucleus detection in scanning elec-
 tron microscopy volumes of mouse brain, in collaboration
 with Max-Planck Inst. for Med. Research, Dept. of Biomed.

 MedicSight PLC, Colon-Lung CAD, Researched on detection of lung nod-
 ules and colon polyp in volumetric Computer Tomography
 scans, Installed an ensemble of cascaded adaboost classi?ers
 to improve polyp and nodule detection accuracy.

 Isik University, Xenopus Laevis (Frog) Identification, We have pro-
 posed a novel method for localization and identification of
 African clawed frogs based on their skin patterns.

 University of Westminster, Diagnosis of Malaria, Developed an automated malaria
 parasite detection system: integrating a microscope, cam-
 era and software application., PhD research incorporating,
 mathematical morphology, image processing, and pattern

Tubitak- Bilten, Firearms Identification, Developed a photometric stereo
 based forensic inspection tool to identify firearms by match-
 ing the cartridge case and bullet marks using depth images,
 Implemented improvements to recognition algorithms and
 the software control of the cameras, motors, and lights.

 Tubitak- Bilten, Face Detection & Recognition, Research and develop-
 ment of a face recognition system, Developed face recogni-
 tion and detection algorithms, co-designed the software, and
 implemented controls of the camera.

 Baskent University, Ultrasound Image Filtering, Proposed an edge preserving
 noise filter for ultrasound kidney images, Developed a highly
 efective adaptive filtering algorithm.

Current funded research projects
1)       A search robot for ultra-low power Bluetooth (BLE) nodes. 2014-current. Role: director. Budget: 19700TL, funded by Işık University
Past funded research projects
1)       Autonomous model car racing. 2010-2011. Role: researcher. Budget:15000TL, funded by Işık University
2)       Autonomous quadcopter. 2010-2013. Role: director. Budget: 15935TL, funded by Işık University

Proposals in revision (to be submitted again to Tubitak - The scientific and technological research council of Turkey)


1)       Interactive learning and analysis of Computerised Tomorography Scans.
2)       A microfluidic AFB smear microscopy and culture system for rapid diagnosis of tuberculosis.

3)       Automatic detection and quantification of nuclei in electron microscopy scans of volumetric neural tissue.


 Software: Introduction to Programming with (C & Java), Object Ori-
 ented Programming (Java), Computer Vision, Scratch Pro-
 gramming Workshop
 Hardware: Computer Organization and Architecture, Microprocessors
 Graduate: Computer Vision, Pattern Recognition

 Computer skills

 Programming: C/C++, Matlab, Java, Python, Assembly (AVR, MIPS)
 APIs-LIBs: OpenCV, Arduino, MEX, STL, Android


 Turkish (Native), English (Fluent), Spanish (Elementary+)

 Professional Memberships


 Hobbies & Interests

 Cycling, Playing Percussion & Music, Playing Chess & Go,
 Reading, Learning


 1. M. Veta, P. J. van Diest, S. M. Willems, ..., F. Boray Tek, T. Walter,
 ...,..., J. P.W. Pluim, Assessment of algorithms for mitosis detection in
 breast cancer histopathology images, Medical Image Analysis, vol 20, Feb
 2015, pp 237-248
 2. F. B. Tek, F. Cannavo, G. Nunnari, I. Kale, Robust localization and iden-
 ti?cation of African clawed frogs in digital images, Ecological Informatics,
 vol 23, Sept 2014, pp 3-12
 3. F. B. Tek, Mitosis detection using generic features and an ensemble of
 cascade adaboosts, Journal of Pathology Informatics, vol:4, May 2013,pp1
 4. F. B. Tek, A. G. Dempster, I. Kale, Parasite Detection and Identi?cation
 for Automated Thin Blood Film Malaria Diagnosis, Computer Vision and
 Image Understanding, vol 114, Jan 2010, pp 21-32
 5. F. B. Tek, A. G. Dempster, I. Kale, Computer vision for microscopy
 diagnosis of malaria, Malaria Journal, 8:153, July 2009
 6. F. B. Tek, A.G. Dempster, I. Kale, Noise sensitivity of watershed seg-
 mentation for di?erent connectivity: experimental study IEE Electronics
 Letters, vol 40, Oct 2004.
 Conference (International)
 1. D. Kırcalı, F.B. Tek, “Ground Plane Detection Using an RGB-D Sen-
 sor”,Information Sciences and Systems 2014, Krakow, pp 69-77
 2. F.B. Tek, T. Kroeger, S. Mikula, F. A Hamprecht., “Automated cell
 nucleus detection for large-volume electron microscopy of neural tissue”,
 IEEE Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), pp.69,72, May 2014, Beijing
 3. İ.K. İyidir, F. B. Tek, D. Kırcalı, “Adaptive Visual Obstacle Detection
 for Mobile Robots Using Monocular Camera”, ECCV 2012- 3rd Computer
 Vision in Vehicle Technologies Workshop (CVVT2012), Florence, October
 4. X. Yang, B Tek, G. Beddoe, and G. Slabaugh, “Feature selection for
 computer-aided polyp detection using MRMR”, Proc. SPIE, March 2010,
 San Diego
 5. F. B. Tek, A.G. Dempster, I. Kale, “Malaria Parasite Detection in Pe-
 ripheral Blood Images”, In Proc. British Machine Vision Conference Sep
 2006 and Medical Image Understanding and Analysis July 2006, UK.
 6. F. B. Tek, A.G. Dempster, I. Kale, “Blood Cell Segmentation Using
 Minimum Area Watershed and Circle Radon Transformations”, Proc. Int.
 Symp. on Mathematical Morphology, 441-454, April 2005, Paris.
 7. U. M. Leloglu, U. Sakarya, F. B. Tek, O. Cilingir, 1.“A New Automated
 Firearms Identi?cation System Using 3D Information - BALISTIKA”,2.“A
 Comparative Performance Test of A New Ballistic Analysis System - BAL-
 ISTIKA” Proc. of the 3rd European Academy of Forensic Science Meeting,
Forensic Science International sup., pp. 1601, 163-1642, Sep 2003, Istanbul
 8. K. Messer, J. Kittler, M. Sadeghi, S. Marcel, C.Marcel, S. Bengio, F.
 Cardinaux, C. Sanderson, J. Czyz, L. Vandendorpe, S. Srisuk, M. Petrou,
 W. Kurutach, A. Kadyrov, R. Paredes, B. Kepenekci, F. B. Tek, G.
 B. Akar, F. Deravi, N. Mavity, “ Face Veri?cation Competition on the
 XM2VTS Database,” AVBPA, pp. 964-974, 2003.
 9. B. Kepenekci, F. B. Tek, G. Bozdagi Akar , “Occluded Face Recognition
 based on Gabor Wavelets,” ICIP 2002, Sept 2002, Rochester, USA
 10. B. Kepenekci, F. B. Tek, G. Bozdagi, “Wavelet Based Face Recogni-
 tion,” Object Modelling, and Pattern Recognition Workshop, May 2001,

 Conference (Turkish)

 1. D. Kırcalı, F. B. Tek, İ.K. İyidir, Microsoft Kinect Sensörü Kullanarak
 Zemin Düzlemi Algılama. Signal Processing and Communications Appli-
 cations Conference (SIU), 2013 21st. IEEE, 2013.
 2. F. B. Tek, A.G. Dempster, I. Kale, “Giemsa ile Lekelenmis Kan Hu-
 cresi Imgeleri icin Bir Renk Duzgeleme Yontemi”, “A Colour Normaliza-
 tion Method for Giemsa-Stained Blood Cell Images”, SIU 2006, Antalya,
 3. B. Kepenekci, F. Boray Tek, O. Cilingir, U. Sakarya, G. Bozdagi Akar,
 “Guvenlik Amacli Yuz Tanima Sistemi (Face Recognition for Security),”
 SIU 2002, Pamukkale, Turkey.
 4. B. Kepenekci, F. B. Tek, G. Bozdagi, “Dalgacik Tabanli Yuz Tanima,”
 (Wavelet Based Face Recognition) SIU 2001, KKTC. 2nd, Student Paper
 5. F. B. Tek, M. Karaman, “Beneksel Gurultunun Uyarlanir Suzgeclenmesi”
 (Adaptive Filtering of Speckle Noise) , SIU 2000, Antalya, Turkey
 1. F. B. Tek, M.Sc. Thesis: “Face Detection Using Learning Networks”,
 METU, Ankara, Turkey, July 2002.
 2. F. B. Tek, Ph.D. Thesis: “Computerised Diagnosis of Malaria”, Univer-
 sity of Westminster, London, UK, July 2007.

 Thesis Supervision

 1. I.K. Iyidir, M.Sc. Thesis: “Visual Obstacle Detection And Avoidance For
 Indoor Mobile Robots”, Isik University, Istanbul, 2012.
 2. D. Kircali, M.Sc. Thesis: “Ground Plane Detection Using An RGB-D
 Camera For Quadcopter Landing”, Isik University, 2013.