


M. Veta, P. J. van Diest, S. M. Willems, H. Wang, A. Madabhushi, et al.,..., F. Boray Tek, T. Walter, ...,..., J. P.W. Pluim, Assessment of algorithms for mitosis detection in breast cancer histopathology images, Medical Image Analysis, vol 20, Feb 2015, pp 237-248

F. B. Tek, F. Cannavo, G. Nunnari, İ. Kale, Robust localization and identification of African clawed frogs in digital images, Ecological Informatics, vol 23, Sept 2014, pp 3-12


Tek FB. Mitosis detection using generic features and an ensemble of cascade adaboosts. J Pathol Inform 2013;4:12.
Available FREE in open access from:


D. Kircali, F.B. Tek, ``Ground Plane Detection Using an RGB-D Sensor'',Information Sciences and Systems 2014, pp 69-77

F.B. Tek; T. Kroeger; S. Mikula; F. A Hamprecht., ``Automated cell nucleus detection for large-volume electron microscopy of neural tissue'', IEEE Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), pp.69,72, May 2014, Beijing


İyidir, İbrahim K., F. Boray Tek, and Doğan Kırcalı. "Adaptive visual obstacle detection for mobile robots using monocular camera and ultrasonic sensor." In Computer Vision–ECCV 2012. Workshops and Demonstrations, pp. 526-535. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2012.


1. X. Yang, B Tek, G. Beddoe, and G. Slabaugh, Feature selection for computer-aided polyp detection using MRMR,Proc. SPIE, March 2010, San Diego, USA

2. F. B. Tek, A.G. Dempster, I. Kale, Malaria Parasite Detection in Peripheral Blood Images, In Proc. British Machine Vision Conference Sep 2006 and Medical Image Understanding and Analysis July 2006, UK.

3. F. B. Tek, A.G. Dempster, I. Kale, Blood Cell Segmentation Using Minimum Area Watershed and Circle Radon Transformations, Proc. Int. Symp. on Mathematical Morphology, 441-454, April 2005, Paris.

4. U. M. Leloglu, U. Sakarya, F. B. Tek, O. Cilingir, 1.A New Automated Firearms Identification System Using 3D Information - BALISTIKA, 2.A Comparative Performance Test of A New Ballistic Analysis System - BALISTIKA, Proc. of the 3rd European Academy of Forensic Science Meeting, Forensic Science International sup., pp. 160-1, 163-4, Sep 2003, Istanbul Turkey

5. K. Messer, J. Kittler, M. Sadeghi, S. Marcel, C.Marcel, S. Bengio, F. Cardinaux, C. Sanderson, J. Czyz, L. Vandendorpe, S. Srisuk, M. Petrou, W. Kurutach, A. Kadyrov, R. Paredes, B. Kepenekci, F. B. Tek, G. B. Akar, F. Deravi, N. Mavity,  Face Verification Competition on the XM2VTS Database,'' AVBPA, pp. 964-974, 2003.

6. B. Kepenekci, F. B. Tek, G. Bozdagi Akar , Occluded Face Recognition based on Gabor Wavelets, ICIP 2002, Sept 2002, Rochester, USA

7. B. Kepenekci, F. B. Tek, G. Bozdagi, Wavelet Based Face Recognition, Object Modelling, and Pattern Recognition Workshop, May 2001, Istanbul, Turkey.

Conferences in Turkish (Turkce yayinlar)

[2] D. Kırcalı, F.B.Tek, I.K.Iyidir, Ground Plane Detection Using Kinect Sensor. SIU2013, Girne, K.K.T.C., 2013.

1. F. B. Tek, A.G. Dempster, I. Kale, ``Giemsa ile Lekelenmis Kan Hucresi Imgeleri icin Bir Renk Duzgeleme Yontemi'', A Colour Normalization Method for Giemsa-Stained Blood Cell Images, SIU 2006, Antalya, Turkey.

2. B. Kepenekci, F. Boray Tek, O. Cilingir, U. Sakarya, G. Bozdagi Akar, Guvenlik Amacli Yuz Tanima Sistemi (Face Recognition for Security), SIU 2002, Pamukkale, Turkey.

3. B. Kepenekci, F. B. Tek, G. Bozdagi, Dalgacik Tabanli Yuz Tanima, (Wavelet Based Face Recognition) SIU 2001, KKTC.  2nd, Student Paper Awards.

4. F. B. Tek, M. Karaman, Beneksel Gurultunun Uyarlanir Suzgeclenmesi (Adaptive Filtering of Speckle Noise) , SIU 2000, Antalya, Turkey


1. A Colour Normalization Method for Giemsa-Stained Blood Cell Images